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Bulk Add To Cart
Của MarketPushApps
7 ngày dùng thử miễn phí

Bulk Add To Cart

Của MarketPushApps
1-Click Add to Cart for Multiple Product Bundle
Chưa có bài đánh giá nào
7 ngày dùng thử miễn phí

Tổng quan về Bulk Add To Cart

    Streamlined Bulk Purchasing: Enhance your customers' shopping experience by enabling them to add multiple products to their cart with just a single click. This feature simplifies the purchasing process, particularly beneficial for buyers interested in predefined bundles or packages, making shopping quicker and more convenient
    Customizable Product Selections: Provide flexibility to store owners with the ability to select up to 8 products to include in the bulk add-to-cart widget. This customization allows businesses to tailor their offerings based on customer preferences or strategic marketing initiatives, such as promoting new products or clearing inventory
    Increased Conversion Rates: By reducing the number of clicks needed to make a purchase, the "Bulk Add to Cart" widget significantly enhances the likelihood of conversion. This streamlined process not only improves user experience but also encourages larger purchases, potentially increasing overall sales volumes
    Perfect for Promotions and Sales: Optimize your promotional strategies by using the widget to offer special deals on product bundles. This feature is ideal for sales events, holiday shopping, and promotions, encouraging customers to take advantage of discounts and special offers by purchasing multiple items at once
Enhance your e-commerce store with the "Bulk Add to Cart" app, a streamlined widget that allows customers to add up to 8 products to their cart with just one click. Ideal for predefined bundles or packages, this app simplifies the purchasing process, making it faster and more convenient for users. Customize the widget to your store's specific needs by selecting which products to include, setting default quantities, and adjusting its appearance to match your site's style. This customization capability is perfect for promoting new products, special offers, or clearing inventory effectively. The app not only facilitates a smoother buying experience but also helps increase conversion rates by reducing the steps required to complete a purchase. It's especially useful during promotional events and sales, encouraging customers to take advantage of deals by purchasing multiple items at once. Designed to improve user experience and boost average order values, the "Bulk Add to Cart" widget is an essential addition to any e-commerce platform. By enabling easier and quicker transactions, it ensures a satisfying shopping experience that encourages larger and more frequent purchases.
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Create Bulk Add To Cart Packages
Add Up to 8 Products & their Quantity
Add All Products to Cart with 1 click
Offer Product Bundles & Increase Sales
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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