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Của Valuecard
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Của Valuecard
Loyalty marketing and rewards programs
Chưa có bài đánh giá nào
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Tổng quan về Valuecard

    Various rewarding and loyalty options
    Hyper-personalised marketing campaigns based on smart segmentation
    Advanced data analysis dashboard and reporting tools
Valuecard app provides a wide range of loyalty marketing & engagement features, used by offline and online businesses. The future of loyalty marketing seems to go beyond the traditional transaction based earning points into emotional loyalty built upon experiential and personalized rewards. Our loyalty platform interface makes it easy for you to retain & engage with your customers across multiple channels. Build a robust rewards program along with exciting possibilities to spice it up with perks and unique benefits. Various rewarding options are available to you so your program can always excite your customers such as cashback, points, punch-cards, subscriptions, items discounts, lottery rewards, buy & get, and more. Communicate with your customers via multiple channels such as email newsletters, Text messaging and push notifications. Apply personalization and go further to hyper-personalization with our segmentation engine. Setup marketing automation and build customer journeys. Encourage customers to engage more with your brand using tiered program, offering them badges that are based on thresholds which grant them perks and rewards.
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Ứng dụng này chỉ có sẵn cho Israel.
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
Sắp xếp đánh giá theo

Giá và gói

Ứng dụng này cung cấp bản dùng thử miễn phí 14 ngày
So sánh tất cả các gói


* Benefits & Rewards - Up to 3 * Cashback program * Punch-cards * Emails blast (upto 10000/mo - free) * SMS blast (extra fee/msg) * Dashboard & Reports * Marketing Automations * Support via email


* Basic plan+ * Unlimited rewards * Questionnaires * FB/Instagram integration * Google-Match integration * Groups/Tiers * Coupons generation * Phone support
So sánh tất cả các gói* Giá tính bằng USD và được lập hóa đơn bởi Valuecard. Giá lúc thanh toán có thể thay đổi tùy theo tỷ giá hối đoái.

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