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Của TrackEasy
Có gói miễn phí


Của TrackEasy
Fast add tracking, easy create fulfillments
5.0 (2)
Có gói miễn phí

Tổng quan về TrackEasy

    Rapid Upload: Upload all order tracking numbers at once via a CSV file
    Batch Fulfillments: Click a single button to Create fulfillments for multiple orders at once
    Tracking Status: A comprehensive tracking status management — designed to help you oversee all tracking statuses effectively
Perhaps, you're still manually inputting tracking numbers for each order, completing one after the other, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. TrackEasy is designed to solve that problem. Its goal is to allow you to import all tracking numbers at once and offer effective management and continuous tracking of these tracking statuses. All you need to do is fill in the corresponding order numbers and tracking numbers in our provided CSV template, then click upload. That's what we want to help you achieve with our app, to make your work more efficient and allow you to focus more on other important things. *Chrome browser is required
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Xếp hạng trung bình

(Dựa trên đánh giá)
Sắp xếp đánh giá theo

Giá và gói

GÓI Basic

Miễn phí

200 orders fulfillment/month
10 orders tracking/month
Standard support
CSV export


1000 orders fulfillment/month
200 orders tracking/month
Standard support
CSV export
GÓI Premium


1000 orders fulfillment/month
1000 orders tracking/month
Priority support
CSV export
GÓI Enterprise


5000 orders fulfillment/month
5000 orders tracking/month
Priority support
CSV export
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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