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Smartbis: Loyalty Marketing
Của iN2 LLC
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Smartbis: Loyalty Marketing

Của iN2 LLC
Cashback or points program with your brand
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Tổng quan về Smartbis: Loyalty Marketing

    Voucher automation to stimulate sales and attract more customers
    Refer and Earn to increase your store’s recurrence and average ticket
    Marketing Automation without SPAM with WhatsApp, SMS and Emails
    Widget integrated into your website to highlight benefits and credibility
Be present and build relationships with customers before, during, and after a sale. Our intuitive solution allows you to develop personalized Loyalty Marketing with your business's visual identity. Loyalty Marketing is the most efficient strategy for capturing new customers and keeping current ones without spamming them. Enhance customer engagement by automating the acquisition of new customers through friend referrals and maintaining strategic communication. Increase the average ticket size and multiply sales recurrence. Personalize the customer experience by sending automated, tailored messages based on consumption profiles. Automatically reward customers when they invite others to join your benefits club or loyalty program. Create up to three participant classifications, such as Bronze, Silver, and Gold. After order payment confirmation, send a voucher code with cashback or discount value for the next purchase.
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
Sắp xếp đánh giá theo

Giá và gói

GÓI Free

Miễn phí

Up to 30 test orders
All Features of the Professional Plan
GÓI Starter


Up to 500 Monthly Orders
WhatsApp Marketing
Voucher Automation
GÓI Professional


Up to 2000 Monthly Orders
WhatsApp Marketing
Voucher Automation
Satisfaction Survey
GÓI Unlimited


WhatsApp Marketing
Voucher Automation
Refer and Earn
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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