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Của Simla
Cài đặt miễn phí


Của Simla
Manage sales, deliveries, customers in Simla
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Cài đặt miễn phí

Tổng quan về Simla.com

    Export Products to Simla.com catalog
    Export Contacts and Members to Simla.com store
    Export Orders to Simla.com store
    Update inventory info from Simla.com warehouses to store
This app allows you to automatically upload products from your store into your Simla.com store Contacts and Members, with their Orders will be exporting to your Simla.com store After connecting your store to Simla.com you can: * Manage your product catalogue, inventory and warehouses for all sales channels * Keep up with the status of each order in real time, whether it’s new, paid, delivered, cancelled or packed * Automate all core operations; from everyday tasks to customer notifications * Call your clients and send them text messages or emails by simply clicking on their client profile * Have access to the communications and sales history of each and every client so that you can track the work of your team
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GÓI Connection to Simla.com

Connect your store & Simla.com

Use our free Simla.com app to connect your store with your free or paid Simla.com account

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