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Shippit - Label, Ship & Track
Của Shippit
Cài đặt miễn phí

Shippit - Label, Ship & Track

Của Shippit
Leading multi-carrier shipping platform
1.0 (3)
Cài đặt miễn phí

Tổng quan về Shippit - Label, Ship & Track

    Get fast access to leading carriers and exclusive delivery rates to offer multiple delivery options at checkout
    Fulfil orders fast with our easy-to-use interface and streamlined pick and pack workflows
    Share seamless delivery experiences with automated tracking notifications with any carrier
    Make better carrier decisions with shipping insights and carrier recommendations
Our shipping app helps you ship smarter, optimise your fulfilment and share better post-purchase experiences. Easy to set up, easy all-round: Connect your Wix website in minutes and instantly sync orders as soon as they’re paid. Once shipped, we’ll automatically update orders to fulfilled and add tracking numbers to the site. All your carriers in one place: We take the hassle out of shipping, giving you fast access to leading carriers and exclusive delivery rates, so you can offer multiple delivery options at the checkout. Automate manual decisions with our smart carrier allocation that puts you in control of shipping costs. Flexible, fast fulfilment: Our platform takes care of shipping for your stores, brands and locations. Leverage our streamlined pick and pack workflows and automated packaging decisions, for consistent, fast, error-free fulfilment. Seamless post-purchase experiences: Turn your shoppers into loyal customers with predictable, consistent delivery experiences, powered by our automated tracking notifications, customised branding and in-house delivery support team.
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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GÓI Lite

Pay as you go

Up to 12% off shipping rates
Automated label printing
Item tracking and notifications
Auto-generated return labels
GÓI Grow

Monthly Subscription

Up to 34% off shipping rates
Book with multiple carriers
Automated label printing
Delivery and recipient support
GÓI Empower

Monthly Subscription

Up to 45% off shipping
Book with multiple carriers
Automated label printing
Delivery and recipient support
GÓI Unleash

Monthly Subscription

Up to 45% off shipping
Book with multiple carriers
Automated label printing
Delivery and recipient support
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