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Request a Quote
Của WD Strategies
Từ $9.99/tháng

Request a Quote

Của WD Strategies
Let customers request a quote for your store
5.0 (3)
Từ $9.99/tháng

Tổng quan về Request a Quote

    Allow users to request a quote in your store
    Review all quotes received
    Capture contact information for future nurturing campaigns
    Offer an online wholesale experience to prospective customers
Request a Quote is a solution from WD that introduces advanced functionality for your e-commerce store. Store owners can allow customers to submit requests for quotes instead of (or in addition to) purchasing. This is helpful for service providers, B2B retailers, etc. who want to collect information from prospective customers/clients before the purchase decision is made. The Business plan includes additional widgets custom-designed for stores where pricing is not shown to users and when online checkout is not offered. It also allows you to add advanced fields, like date input, file uploads, and multiple choice selections.
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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Allow customers to request a quote
Collect & review quote submissions
Integrates with Wix Stores
GÓI Business


Everything in Pro
Advanced Fields
Quote Review Page without Pricing
White-Glove Installation Offered
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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