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OSI Affiliate Software
Của OSI Reviews
7 ngày dùng thử miễn phí

OSI Affiliate Software

Của OSI Reviews
Affiliate software to increase sales
7 ngày dùng thử miễn phí

Tổng quan về OSI Affiliate Software

    Get customers, affiliates and influencers to promote your store
    Affiliate social media sharing
    One click affiliate sign up
    Use your own domain
OSI Affiliate Software is a complete affiliate and influencer marketing solution for your store. With the OSI Affiliate software wix plugin, your affiliates and brand advocates will be able to promote your brand using promotional tools within their affiliate dashboard. How it works? • Your affiliates sign up from your customizable sign up page • After signing up they will receive access to a dashboard that provides a unique affiliate link and several promotional tools • Upon promoting their affiliate link, the OSI Affiliate Wix plugin tracks referred sales and calculates an earned commission • From your control panel you can see what is owed to your affiliates and payout commissions Main Software Benefits • Get influencers to promote your brand • Turn more customers into loyal marketers • Makes it easy to reward for referrals • Develop partnerships to get more traffic and sales • Get feedback for your business • Grow your email list Why OSI Affiliate Software Wix Plugin? We have a proven track record of providing one of the most solid affiliate software platforms since 2006. We have a highly trained and very experienced and knowledgeable customer success team that can help you.
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Ứng dụng này cung cấp bản dùng thử miễn phí 7 ngày
GÓI Basic


25,000 Unique Visitors
200 Affiliate Users
Free Website Integration
User Your Domain
GÓI Professional


500,000 Unique Visitors
10,000 Affiliate Users
Dedicated Account Manager
Social Media Sharing
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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