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Frisbo efulfillment services
Của Frisbo
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Frisbo efulfillment services

Của Frisbo
Sell more, in new markets with smart borderles
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Cài đặt miễn phí

Tổng quan về Frisbo efulfillment services

    Easy integration with your online store and all your other sales channels
    Automated fulfillment and order tracking
    Access to a curated warehouses network and next-day delivery in over 15 countries, all in one dashboard
    Scalable costs, adjusted to your size and needs
Frisbo is Europe's order fulfillment solution matching online stores with a network of trusted fulfillment operators & smart logistics providers. Frisbo helps sellers get orders to their customers cheaper, faster, and easier, making eCommerce truly borderless. Frisbo seamlessly syncs up with all your sales channels so you easily manage and track orders in one place. Your inventory is safely received and stored in our warehouse network. Whenever your items are sold, they get automatically picked and economically packed by trained staff. Our algorithms know all the shipping carriers, and their tricks, so we can choose the best option for each of your orders. You also have access to discounted courier rates and returns management for any country you want to sell in.
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GÓI Frisbo eFulfillment

Scalable pricing

You have a transparent view on your scalable costs (storage, order processing and/or delivery), adjusted to your size and needs.

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