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Dynamic Categories
Của HFX Solutions
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Dynamic Categories

Của HFX Solutions
Automate categories using product data
3.7 (3)
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Tổng quan về Dynamic Categories

    Use product data to sort them into categories
    Live updates on product changes
    Manage existing categories
    Filter by price, ribbons, other categories, visibility, discount and stock status
Effortlessly automate your product categorisation by creating simple, detail-based rules. Watch as products are automatically sorted and kept up to date into the target categories. Stop spending time on the manual and error-prone task of managing which products appear in each category. Let the rules keep everything in the right place.
Tình trạng sẵn có:Ứng dụng này sẵn có trên toàn thế giới.
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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Giá và gói

GÓI Basic

Miễn phí

Up to 2 dynamic categories
Business Hours support
GÓI Starter


Up to 50 dynamic categories
Filter by Price, Ribbons, Categories
24/7 Support
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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