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Của 365 Dropship
Từ $19,00/tháng


Của 365 Dropship
Your supply chain covered 365 days a year
Từ $19,00/tháng

Tổng quan về 365DROPSHIP

    Advanced UI
    Activity Dashboard
    Product Sync
    Transaction Board
365Dropship is a comprehensive platform for product dropshipping covering all of the needed functionality to easily provide merchandise to any online shop. 365DROPSHIP Main Features • Advanced UI: The user-friendly UI enabling easy product search, inventory management, and order placement. • Activity Dashboard: Track all of your activity in one place with the 365DROPSHIP dashboard, allowing you to learn from your activity and optimize it accordingly. • Products sync: Easily sync 365DROPSHIP products into your online shop. Manage your process manually or automatically, exporting all product details. • Transaction board: Get access to see all of your transactions in one place and be in control of your purchases. • Supply & Support: Easily access all suppliers products from ONE point of contact without the hustle of direct contact with each supplier separately. Professional account management and support 24/7, 365 days a year! • Account setup: Setup your account details and billing information. Partner with the most experiences team in the industry and get your supply chain covered!
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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Giá và gói

GÓI Basic


Data Feed: 500 products
Support: Email
GÓI Advanced


Data Feed: 2500 products
Support: Email, Live Chat


Data Feed: 10,000 products
Support: Email, Live Chat, Phone
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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