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Social Media Stream
Của SmartFox
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Social Media Stream

Của SmartFox
Show Instagram Facebook YouTube Pinterest Feed
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Tổng quan về Social Media Stream

    Give your website a fresh feel with your social media
    Integrates with Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr and Pinterest
    Drive more traffic and "likes" on your social media pages
    Easily customizable widget
"Social Media Stream" will connect Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and Tumblr onto one stunning social widget you can embed on your website. Supports All Major Social Networks - Facebook pages and personal profiles - Instagram accounts and hashtags - Youtube personal accounts, channels and playlists - Pinterest personal and public boards - Tumblr personal and public blogs Supports All Media Types Want to stream Pictures, Videos, or Text? We got you covered! "Social Media Stream" is extremely flexible and supports all types of media. Full Mobile Support Doesn't matter if you're browsing on a PC, phone or tablet, we will make sure your stream looks great 100% of the time. Insanely Quick Refresh Rates Keep your website fresh with new content always streaming from your social media.
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GÓI Free

Miễn phí

1 stream
Updates once a day
Up to 20 posts
Social Media Stream logo
GÓI Silver


5 streams
Updates every 2 hours
Up to 80 posts
Remove Branding & Logo
GÓI Gold


10 streams
Updates every 30 minutes
Up to 200 posts
Remove Branding & Logo
GÓI Platinum


100 streams
Updates every 10 minutes
Up to 500 posts
Remove Branding & Logo
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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