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Simple Social Auto Post
Của Simple Apps
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Simple Social Auto Post

Của Simple Apps
Automate your social media posting
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Tổng quan về Simple Social Auto Post

    Scheduled social posting for new blog articles
    Scheduled social posting for new store products
    Deal of the week - Create automatic deal of the week campaign and drive sales to your store
    Scheduled social posting for event reminders!
Simple Post is an easy to use social media auto-post, which takes less than two minutes to set up. If you need to publish your blog posts or products to your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on a daily basis, your social media management is about to be way easier! Ease of use Connecting your social media accounts and setting up the system is super easy, you will see a real-life preview of what the actual post would look like so you can approve it and have complete control over your social media feed. Existing social media process Are you working closely with Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to send out posts manually? No worries! Simple post does not interfere with your existing social media posting. It integrates with your current process and simply lets you add scheduled product/blog posts automatically to your social media feed. Scheduling & posting options You can schedule your posts at specific times during the day. For example, if you select “09:00”, at Tuesdays then each time you create a new blog post/product store item or event reminders (your choice) the system will wait for this time and then post in the social networks for you!
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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GÓI Basic

Miễn phí

Up to 1 Free campaign
Up to 10 auto posts
Up to 5 scheduled posts


Unlimited number of campaigns
Unlimited auto posting
Unlimited scheduled posts
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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