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Popup Forms by Smartarget
Của Smartarget
Phải có trang web cao cấp

Popup Forms by Smartarget

Của Smartarget
Grow your mailing list with Popup Forms
Phải có trang web cao cấp

Tổng quan về Popup Forms by Smartarget

    Show a Popup Form grow your mailing list
    Bring back customers to your website with newsletters
    Customize the Popup Forms to suit your brand
    Increase the chance to convert visitors to paid customers
You spend a lot of time and money to bring customers to your website, you better want to have their email in order to make sure they will get your newsletter in the future. Using Popup Forms by Smartarget will help you to collect emails of customers by showing a popup when they visit your website. Newsletters could be a powerful marketing tool to bring back customers or to make potential customers buy your product and service for the first time. With Newsletter you can offer incentives for users, tell them about new products or services, etc. But the first step is to get their email so they become a lead. With Popup Forms by Smartarget you can design your own popup very quickly and start collecting emails. It’s that simple for you to start growing your mailing list. As much as more users visit your website, you can be sure that your mailing list will grow by using our app. You don’t need to have any coding skills or help from developers to configure your Popup Forms and show it on your website. It takes only a few minutes to create the popup of your dreams. Popup Forms works on desktop devices and mobile devices.
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So sánh tất cả các gói* Giá tính bằng USD và được lập hóa đơn bởi Smartarget. Giá lúc thanh toán có thể thay đổi tùy theo tỷ giá hối đoái.

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