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Klaviyo Email Marketing - PoCo
Của Presto-Changeo
Phải có trang web cao cấp

Klaviyo Email Marketing - PoCo

Của Presto-Changeo
Boost sales and increase your conversion rates
Phải có trang web cao cấp

Tổng quan về Klaviyo Email Marketing - PoCo

    Seamless integration with all your existing Wix contact forms
    Integrates with all Wix services, including Stores, Bookings, Events, Pricing Plans, Subscriptions and more
    Launch email automations like abandoned cart, welcome, and re-engage customers.
    Active on Site tracking allows you to track activity and email any person who is cookied, even if they are not logged
Klaviyo Integration by PoCo offers a simple yet deep integration of your website with Klaviyo. * App requires a subscription with 3rd party service Klaviyo. Don't have an account yet? Sign up from inside the app. Keep using your embedded Wix forms to collect newsletter subscribers from any page on your website, and sync them with the default Klaviyo List, or a specific Klaviyo List (Using Labels to List) Sync all your existing contacts with Klaviyo, including Labels, and any other contact fields (Requires Basic plan) Sync existing order information, as well as a live product feed with Klaviyo, to allow for advanced email segmenting, and using Klaviyo flows (Requires Advanced plan) Sync abandoned cart information with Klaviyo, to allow you to automate abandoned email campaigns. Active on Site tracking allows you to trigger emails to any visitor who signed up to the newsletter, or any logged in customer (when Contacts are synced). Now sending Klaviyo order information for bookings, events, pricing plans, membership and more.
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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Giá và gói

GÓI Free

Miễn phí

Sign 100 free newsletter subscribers
Send Klaviyo Information on 40 Orders
Send Klaviyo Information on 40 Carts
Use Popup & Embedded form signups
GÓI Basic


Collect unlimited contacts
Sync existing contacts
Send Klaviyo information on 40 Orders
Send Klaviyo information on 40 Carts
GÓI Advanced


Unlimited contacts
Sync order and cart information
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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