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Salesdish Currency Converter logo

Salesdish Currency Converter

Auto detect visitor currency.
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Tổng quan về Salesdish Currency Converter

Automatically convert prices: the prices convert automatically based on your customers location, which creates a pleasant and easy shopping experience for your customers.
Easily add multiple currencies: add 160+ currencies with the push of a button. Start selling internationally like a pro and encourage your customers to buy. Currency Rates get updated daily.
Customizable design: Choose your own design or color to match your store's theme.
Readable price format: Remove unnecessary decimals and round them up to two decimal places, so that your customers can see beautiful converted prices like $3.99 instead of $3.99374.
Salesdish Currency Converter provides the key feature needed for your international customers. Help your customers shop in their local currency easily, reducing customer frustration and cart abandonment by eliminating the extra step or hassle of currency conversion. The app detects your customer's location and automatically selects the currency for them. They can also change it manually if they wish from the currency switcher. Works with 160+ currencies. Converts prices instantly, on any devices. Currency Rates get updated daily. Our app is simple and easy to use. No more confusing guide or developer's help. You can set up our app with just a few clicks of a button in less than a minute.
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Xếp hạng trung bình 4.1

184 đánh giá
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Carlyevabenci7/ Feb 11, 2025
So helpful!Thank you so much! Really great help!
Cảm ơn phản hồi của bạn

Dataghozt/ Feb 10, 2025
Cảm ơn phản hồi của bạn

Somapress1/ Feb 2, 2025
It's completely free!Salesdish Currency Converter is simply the best! It automatically adjusts prices to the customer's local currency before purchase, making the shopping experience smoother and more convenient. And the best part? It's completely free!
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Hwpcolombia8/ Jan 30, 2025
Works well!It works very well so far! I wish it to have the possibility to configure how many decimal points to show per currency :)
Cảm ơn phản hồi của bạn

Ericalang70/ Jan 27, 2025
VAT / Sales taxI installed this app, and everywhere i had "VAT" listed, now it says "Sales tax" and i cannot go back. If i knew, i wouldn't have installed it.
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