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Google Sheets Connector by KB
Của KPIBees
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Google Sheets Connector by KB

Của KPIBees
Connect your data to Google Sheets.
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Tổng quan về Google Sheets Connector by KB

    Easily connect all your site data to Google Sheets with just a few clicks and automate your business reporting.
    Export the fields that you need from Wix Contacts (CRM), Site Members, Wix Payments, Wix Bookings, Wix Stores to spreadsheets.
    Schedule automatic data refreshing (hourly/weekly/monthly) so that your spreadsheet export is always up-to-date.
    Combine your site data with data from 19 other data sources. Easily export your reports in CSV or Excel formats.
Tired of copy/pasting into spreadsheets? Spend that time analyzing your data instead. KPIBees is a Google Sheets Add-on that makes it simple to automatically pull data from your site and 20 other tools to Google Sheets with just a few clicks, directly from your spreadsheet. KPIBees also serves as a bridge between other tools that you use. Once you've added your data to the spreadsheet, you can easily it export in CSV / Excel for 3rd party use. You can complement your site reporting with these additional connectors: CSV, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Page Speed, Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights, JSON, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Web Scraper, Youtube, XML.
Tình trạng sẵn có:Ứng dụng này sẵn có trên toàn thế giới.
Ngôn ngữ ứng dụng:
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(Dựa trên đánh giá)
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Giá và gói

GÓI Free

Miễn phí

30 Query Credits Monthly
Manual Refresh Only
Connect your Site Data to G-Sheets
Access to 19 other data connectors
GÓI Hobby


150 Query Credits Monthly
Automatical Daily refresh
Connect your Site Data to G-Sheets
Access to 19 other data connectors


700 Query Credits Monthly
Automatic Hourly refresh
Connect your Site Data to G-Sheets
Access to 19 other data connectors
GÓI Expert


3000 Query Credits Monthly
Automatic Hourly refresh
Connect your Site Data to G-Sheets
Access to 19 other data connectors
* Giá tính bằng USD.

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